GORDON Surname Maps of Ireland

Where in Ireland does the family GORDON come from? Is GORDON a common surname in Ireland?
The maps on this page are based on the 1901 and 1911 census of Ireland, the data for which is available here: Census of Ireland.

GORDON in 1901

There were 4,178 with this surname in Ireland in 1901. The surname is ranked 202nd in Ireland in the same year, MURPHY is ranked 1st since it is the most common Irish surname.

Religion: Presbyterian: 1,608 (38.49%), Catholic: 1,230 (29.44%), Anglican: 1,009 (24.15%), Methodist: 171 (4.09%), Other / Not Given: 67 (1.60%), Congregationalist: 39 (0.93%), Jewish: 25 (0.60%), Plymouth Brethren: 21 (0.50%), Christian: 4 (0.10%), Baptist: 2 (0.05%), Church of Christ: 1 (0.02%), Salvation Army: 1 (0.02%)

GORDON Surname Map in Irish in 1901

GORDON in 1911

There were 4,164 with this surname in Ireland in 1911. The surname is ranked 202nd in Ireland in the same year, MURPHY is ranked 1st since it is the most common Irish surname.

GORDON Surname Map in Irish in 1911

Woulfe Surname Index for GORDON

The Rev. Patrick Woulfe provided lists of surname associations for Irish surnames in his book Irish Names and Surnames. Below is a list of these associations for the surname GORDON.

GORDON in 1901 (Farmer)

Map is based on households which had at least one member who had an occupation containing "Farm" or "Agri".

GORDON Farmer Surname Map in 1901}

GORDON in 1901 (Catholic)

Map shows the percentage of people with the surname GORDON who are Catholic in each locality

GORDON Catholic Surname Map in 1901}

GORDON in 1901 (Anglican)

Map shows the percentage of people with the surname GORDON who are Anglican in each locality

GORDON Anglican Surname Map in 1901}

GORDON in 1901 (Presbyterian)

Map shows the percentage of people with the surname GORDON who are Presbyterian in each locality

GORDON Presbyterian Surname Map in 1901}

GORDON in Scotland

The GORDON Surname in Scotland

Patterns associated with the GORDON surname

List of consecutive consonant patterns associated with this surname:

When producing these maps, I use the exact spelling in the 1901/1911 Irish Census, with the following exceptions: All surnames are converted to their uppercase equivalents. I replace all occurrences of MC and M' with MAC. And I remove all non-alphabetical characters, such as hyphens, spaces, apostrophes and accents. This results, for example, in the names Mac Vey and McVey appearing together on the same map as MACVEY. Likewise, O'Neill, Oneill, ONeill and Ó Néill appear together as ONEILL and D'Arcy and Darcy are combined as DARCY. No other type of grouping is done.

A huge amount of effort has gone into the production of these maps and I have been very careful to ensure that the census data has been processed as accurately as possible. However, I take no responsibility should I have failed in any way in this regard. Nor shall I be held responsible for any errors on the official census website. As stated, the census is available online enabling you to confirm the information presented here for yourself. Enjoy!